
Social Media Maturity Model

Martin Taylor | Tuesday, May 12 2020

Driving business online through social media marketing.

Social media marketing campaigns and programs are now expected to contribute and drive business performance through the medium of various social media platforms that are available today.

Maturity models of all kind are becoming common place in the digital world helping organizations through their digital transformation process, such as the Digital Business Maturity Model devised by Gartner.

We have created a unique Social Media Maturity Model that makes it easy to assess and understand specifically what you need to do in the now critical part of driving business online, social media marketing.


The growth in social media users over the last few years has been huge, and many organizations have struggled to keep up in understanding how they can best utilize these platforms for business growth.

With success on social media requiring change and commitment across various parts of any organization it can be tricky to understand how to best apply the right approach across all departments.

Our Social Media Maturity Model gives both perspective and guidance into each critical element that affects the success of your social media marketing.



The Five Stages of Social Media Maturity

Designed to help both newcomers and experienced social media marketing teams we provide not just a benchmark for existing maturity levels but also valuable recommendations to assist in helping companies to ascend and improve their current strategies and investments. 




To get started you follow a simple online assessment that will provide you with an overview of your current status with all areas pertaining to social media marketing that covers all relevant areas of your business organization.

The results you receive provide you an initial benchmark that you can easily review to see where your current program or strategy places you in the maturity model.

In addition to this we will provide you with recommendations and tips that you can follow to improve upon and leverage to assist in driving your business growth using social media marketing. 

Our assessment has provided some customers with instant opportunities for improvement which can be implemented immediately, or simply clarifies a gap in their strategies that they had not realized before. 

The assessment acts as both a tool as well as a service. 

Organizations not currently using social media can also use this as a starting point and get a head start in understanding the best approach to take when looking to use social media for the first time in driving business online.

So, we strongly advise that you do not look at the model as simply analyzing your current social media maturity but also look to work with us in developing your strategy and investment in the right way that specifically works for your business needs and where you are today.


Quite simply, this will be valuable for any business that is looking to achieve some level of success or progress in relation to social media, both for driving marketing and also safegarding their online reputation. 

Organizations of all sizes can benefit from our social media maturity model and assessment.

If you are a digital marketing agency, or a company specializing in providing social media consultancy and services, you too can utilize our maturity model to help your clients understand the full ramifications of social media on their business and how you can work with them to help them achieve their business goals.

Many companies now require assistance to understand social media better and how they can use it to safeguard and grow their business online, our maturity model is a tool that you can utilize to help with that.

There is great opportunity for agencies to provide expert assistance and our Social Media Maturity Model is an excellent tool that many are already using to great effect.


We get asked a lot if our model is designed for B2B or B2C businesses and the answer is that it works perfectly well for both.

The one common approach all must have is to ensure as an organization you are sure on your business goals and objectives. 

Our maturity model will help you grow your social media marketing strategy, but it must align with the overall business objectives set out by your management and senior executives.

For sales, product and marketing teams alike, leaders must understand where they currently are on the social media marketing maturity scale, in order to understand what they need to do and where they need to focus to improve and achieve the greater business impact they all desire.

To learn more about our Social Media Maturity Model you can download our whitepaper here.

Go ahead and take our Social Media Maturity Survey today and discover how you can improve your social media marketing strategy.

Click here for a FREE consultation and demonstration on how Qurate can help you grow your business online.